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22 December, 2017

Temple Legal Protection 2017 Review

This year has been challenging for the legal industry: pre-LASPO cases are in decline and the new legislation is now being applied with some cases finding their way to the appeal court; abolition of tribunal fees has led to increased risk exposure for employers without appropriate BTE cover and legal services; and there have been […]

By David Pipkin Read more
21 December, 2017

Sharp rise in employment claims after tribunal fees scrapped

Four years ago the government introduced fees of up to £1200 for employment tribunal claimants with the premise being to reduce the number of malicious and unmeritorious claims. Much has been debated on subject since and I recall the appetite of both camps to advance their views. In one corner, the objectors voiced their concern […]

By Sean Fayle Read more
12 December, 2017

Appeal Court rules in favour of ATE insurance from the inception of a claim

In another landmark ruling this year, the Court of Appeal has re-asserted that ‘block-rated’ ATE insurance premiums are recoverable in clinical negligence claims, even when the claim is settled before proceedings are issued or experts have been commissioned. Lord Justice Lewison dismissed the appeal of Peterborough & Stamford NHS trust v McMenemy and upheld the […]

By David Pipkin Read more
12 December, 2017

A Premier League football star, phone hacking and litigation costs

In an ironic twist the media and communications litigation privacy case BNM v MGN has become substantially more well known for its impact on costs legislation than revelations that a premier league footballer was ‘privately dating’ a school teacher. The Court of Appeal judgment in favour of the appellant has been awaited with eager anticipation […]

By David Pipkin Read more
1 November, 2017

Temple Online Policy System (TOPS)

We are delighted to confirm that the new version of the Temple Online Policy System (TOPS) is scheduled to go live on Wednesday 8th November at 09:00hrs. While the new system is being installed, the original system will be unavailable between 16:00hrs on Friday 3rd November until 09:00hrs on Wednesday 8th November, which means that […]

By Temple Legal Protection Read more
16 October, 2017

Does SRA case for publishing legal fees hold water?

Malignation of the legal industry’s failure to support SMEs and provide better clarity relating to the cost of legal services is a current vogue topic. The issue is clear: the SME business community in general is reluctant to seek legal advice because of uncertainty over the cost risk posed by escalating a commercial issue into […]

By Temple Legal Protection Read more