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8 February, 2019

2019 – What Lies Ahead for Commercial Litigators?

By Matthew Pascall, Senior Underwriting Manager. At the time of writing, predicting the Government’s policy on the whole question of Brexit is next to impossible – and that’s with only 2 months to go before we leave. But in the calmer waters of commercial litigation, charting a course through the rest of this year – […]

By Matthew Pascall Read more
4 February, 2019

The JBVC Foundation – Rebuilding Lives Beyond Gang Culture

Temple has been proud to support the JBVC Foundation’s charity work. Dr Johnson Beharry VC GOC founded the JBVC Foundation, whose mission is to help young people turn their backs on gang culture. Johnson, as a serving member of the British Army, suffered serious injuries after his armoured vehicle was attacked in Iraq. He was […]

By Temple Legal Protection Read more
31 January, 2019

Temple Supports Successful Libel Action Against Former UKIP Branch Chairman

Nicklin J handed down judgment for the claimant on 19 December 2018 in the matter of Monir v Wood 2018 EWHC 3525 (QB). Whilst providing further analysis of the various elements of libel law following the implementation of the Defamation Act 2013, this case considered how the law of agency applies to libellous posts published […]

By Temple Legal Protection Read more
31 January, 2019

Can a Solicitor Personally Recommend an ATE/Litigation Insurance Provider?

Insurance distribution activities cover a number of undertakings such as “advising on” and “arranging deals” in contracts of insurance; therefore embracing litigation/after-the-event insurance. These activities used to be called “insurance mediation activities”, however, the Insurance Mediation Directive has been repealed and replaced by the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD). The regulatory regime Solicitors as potential insurance […]

By Temple Legal Protection Read more
28 January, 2019

Funding and Insuring Litigation in Northern Ireland

What financial resources can your client legally make use of? Parties to litigation in Northern Ireland must weigh up the risks and benefits of pursuing a commercial dispute before issuing a writ or defending a claim. Without the option of funding a case under a contingency fee agreement, lawyers’ fees have to be paid as […]

By Temple Legal Protection Read more
23 January, 2019

Moving targets and a bumpy ride in 2019?

By David Pipkin – Director, Underwriting Division. A moving target of regulatory developments and other challenges in recoverability, fixed costs, funding and ADR can be expected during 2019. The coming year promises to be an eventful one for clinical negligence and personal injury litigators, ATE/litigation insurance and disbursement funding providers alike. The MoJ has indicated […]

By David Pipkin Read more