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21 October, 2020

Disbursement Funding Interest Recoverability – Shades Of Grey Or As Clear As Mud?

By Matthew Best, Senior Underwriting Manager (Estimated reading time: 4 minutes, 17 seconds) A previous article I wrote in June 2019 ‘Is disbursement funding interest recoverable’ attracted, forgive the pun, a lot of interest – but the subject itself has remained a very grey area with clarity in short supply. The SCCO has, unhelpfully, recently […]

By Matthew Best Read more
14 October, 2020

Litigation in Scotland – our latest webinar gets under the skin of the key issues

By Matthew Pascall, Senior Underwriting Manager Temple’s most recent webinar headed (virtually) north of the border where Tim Edward (Dentons), Cat MacLean (MBM Commercial) and Ross Taylor (Wright Johnston & Mackenzie) joined me for a discussion on topical litigation insurance matters in Scotland. Given the strength and experience of our guests, it isn’t surprising that […]

By Matthew Pascall Read more
12 October, 2020

Covid-19 Business Interruption Insurance – The FCA’s Test Case

Financial Conduct Authority v Arch Insurance (UK) Limited [2020] EWHC 2448 (Comm). (Estimated reading time: 7 minutes, 7 seconds) Only a small minority of larger firms are believed to have in place policies that cover them for losses incurred due to infectious diseases. In any event, even if most businesses affected had cover, it would […]

By Temple Legal Protection Read more
20 August, 2020

Get Ahead On Costs – The Latest News On Detailed Assessments And Incoming Rule Changes

Temple would like to welcome you to our webinar, SCCO Practice Notes for Hearings and Detailed Assessments and CPR changes from 1 October 2020, presented by John Ivory at Keith Bintley Ltd. You join after the introduction and straight into the presentation. Please stick to the end as this is followed by a short Q&A […]

By Temple Legal Protection Read more
6 August, 2020

The New Deal in Clinical Negligence ATE insurance and our reality – It’s not just the ‘What’, we’re also giving you the reasons ‘Why?’

By Matthew Best, Senior Underwriting Manager (Estimated reading time: 6 minutes, 13 seconds) With the NHS being at the heart of all of our lives, the funding of it appears to be an everyday topic. The idea of suing one of their Trusts for the levels of compensation that were previously awarded may no longer […]

By Matthew Best Read more
31 July, 2020

Legal expenses insurance premium payment support and cover continuation arrangements

Temple Legal Protection is the provider of commercial legal expenses insurance policies and employment disputes protection cover for a wide range of businesses. We understand that the Covid 19 pandemic has had a direct financial effect on businesses of all sizes. Here at Temple we want to reassure our policyholders in the business community that […]

By Laurence Pipkin Read more