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27 July, 2021

Special Report: QOCS for Scotland Now Live

By Matthew Best, Senior Underwriting Manager (Estimated reading time: 4 minutes 7 seconds) The introduction of costs shifting (or QOCS as it has been labelled) in Scotland for personal injury and clinical negligence cases provides a good opportunity for Scottish lawyers to explore the prospects of arranging After-The-Event (ATE) legal expenses insurance for their clients […]

By Matthew Best Read more
26 July, 2021

Construction dispute success enforcing adjudicator’s award

(Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 45 seconds) Temple has developed new ATE/litigation insurance cover specifically designed to assist insolvent referring parties seeking adjudication on a construction dispute and the subsequent enforcement of any adjudicator’s award. The interlinked insurance policies provide indemnities for the adjudicator’s fees, adverse costs, the insured’s disbursements relating to any enforcement proceedings […]

By Matthew Pascall Read more
22 July, 2021

The Underwriting Perspective: Construction disputes; ‘It’s Like 3D Chess’

By Matthew Pascall, Senior Underwriting Manager (Estimated reading time: 54 seconds) You may well have read previously about the insurance we can provide to enable insolvent building sub-contractors pursue adjudications. It’s worth pointing out that we’re also here for solvent builders and anyone else caught-up in construction litigation. Construction litigation can sometimes seem like 3D […]

By Matthew Pascall Read more
19 July, 2021

Covid-19 claims update

By David Stoker, Senior Underwriter (Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 3 seconds) The general thread here is that all of our customers will be taking a cautious approach in respect of new COVID-19 related cases. Temple is helping all our partner law firms through these challenging times and wanted to share some of the thoughts […]

By David Stoker Read more
19 July, 2021

Resolution Strategies and Mandatory Mediation

By Terry Renouf, Renouf Mediation (Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 59 seconds) As we emerge from lockdown restrictions litigators should carefully note a speech on 26th March 2021[1] by the new Master of the Rolls, Geoffrey Vos at Hull University. In this speech he built on recent judicial thinking that parties want a resolution of […]

By Terry Renouf - Renouf Mediation Read more
15 July, 2021

Temple Legal Protection – No longer using the Document Exchange Service

From 1st August 2021 we will no longer be a member of the Document Exchange Service. When sending letters and cheques please address these to our head office in Guildford as follows: Temple Legal Protection Limited One Bell Court, Leapale Lane, Guildford GU1 4LY You can also contact us via email at . We would […]

By Temple Legal Protection Read more