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25 November, 2021

When does a Litigation Funding Agreement become a Damages-Based Agreement?

(Estimated reading time: 3 minutes 39 seconds) This was a central issue in the recent Court of Appeal case of Paccar Inc v Road Haulage Association Ltd [2021] EWCA Civ 299 (05 March 2021). Litigation funding agreements (“LFA”) and damages-based agreements (“DBA”) are both forms of litigation funding. Both are ways to facilitate access to […]

By Temple Legal Protection Read more
25 November, 2021

Passing Off – A Double Dismissal Case

By Sam Knight, Underwriter (Estimated reading time: 1 minute 23 seconds) Philip Warren & Son Limited v Lidl Great Britain Ltd & Ors [2021] EWHC 2372 (Ch) This was a case concerning the common law tort of ‘passing off’ where, surprisingly, both the claim and the Defendant’s counterclaim were dismissed. The Court, perhaps also in […]

By Temple Legal Protection Read more
25 November, 2021

Professional Negligence Update – Investigate, Investigate, Investigate!

By Sam Knight, Underwriter (Estimated reading time: 1 minute 19 seconds) Evans v Betesh Partnership [2021] EWCA Civ 1194 is a case concerning the professional liability of a solicitors’ firm and counsel in advising the claimant to settle a personal injury matter in 2011. Ms Evans suffered a traumatic brain injury in a road traffic […]

By Temple Legal Protection Read more
25 November, 2021

Lender Claims in Property Litigation: a Guide Based on Experience

By Matthew Pascall, Senior Underwriting Manager (Estimated reading time: 2 minutes 55 seconds) Property litigation is familiar territory for Temple but one area that often features prominently are claims arising out of the valuation of property. These claims are inevitably cyclical – a down-turn in the economy prompts lenders to look to the property against […]

By Matthew Pascall Read more
25 November, 2021

Group Litigation – ‘The Right Crowd and No Crowding’

By Matthew Pascall, Senior Underwriting Manager (Estimated reading time: 3 minutes 3 seconds) The Temple head office is located just a few miles from the historic motor racing track at Brooklands. In the 1930’s the track announced on its posters that it offered “The Right Crowd and No Crowding.” It strikes me that this catchy […]

By Matthew Pascall Read more
22 November, 2021

Straightforward Facts That Means Peace of Mind for Your Litigation Funding

By Matthew Best – Senior Underwriting Manager (Estimated reading time: 5 minute 6 seconds) You may well have seen the recent news about litigation funding in recent weeks. One of my former colleagues once said that he believes that finding the right funding partner at the right time enables you and your client to share […]

By Matthew Best Read more