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Cauda Equina Syndrome cases; we know them well. Does your firm?

Our history, some case characteristics – and your opportunity (Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 42 seconds) We work in partnership with a small number of leading specialist litigators, experts and barristers who are highly experienced with Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) cases. Our underwriting results reflect this and our expertise is second-to-none. The reason for bringing […]

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Calling all in-house lawyers: ATE Insurance and funding can save the day

By David Pipkin FCILEX, NED Temple Legal Protection (Estimated reading time: 3 minutes 49 seconds) As a lawyer who worked in-house for Temple for over 15 years, I was asked to define what in-house lawyers do. I said they typically work within a specific company or organisation and provide legal advice and guidance to the […]

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“One case at a time and it didn’t cost you a dime”: flying Solo with Temple Legal Protection

By Andy Lyalle, Senior Business Development Manager (Estimated reading time: 2 minutes 30 seconds) I have a habit that is unfortunate for anyone who is around me at the time.  A song can jump into my head, and I will proceed to sing it or repeat a bassline, drum beat etc.  I have previously included […]

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There’s a lot of Competition in Football

(Estimated reading time: 2 minutes 24 seconds) We’re probably familiar with the term “match fixing”; when betting syndicates persuade key players in a cricket or football match to “fix” games for cash. We’re probably not so familiar with “price – fixing” in the context of football. In this article we take a look at what […]

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gig economy

The Emerging Shadow of the Gig Economy within UK Labour Law: Unstable Working Hours

By Fraser Barnstaple, Underwriter (Estimated reading time: 4 minutes 3 seconds) The gig economy and zero-hour contracts have been growing in significance and scale in recent years. However, they raise major issues concerning levels of worker protection in terms of working time. Much labour law literature covering working time focuses on overworking, however, this article […]

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Defamation and privacy: A cautionary tale

By Andy Lyalle, Senior Business Development Manager (Estimated reading time: 2 minutes 42 seconds) The perception that many people have about defamation and privacy law reminded me of a comment made by the comedian Stewart Lee when describing David Cameron and Ed Miliband going head-to-head in the 2015 general election. He said that they were […]

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Who’s Nicked My Data?

Data Protection Claims from an ATE Underwriter’s Perspective By Matthew Pascall, Legal Director and Senior Underwriting Manager (Estimated reading time: 6 minutes 25 seconds) As the amount of personal data stored and transferred electronically increases at an exponential rate, data breach claims are going to form an ever-increasing part of the media cases we insure. […]

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What’s Up with WhatsApp?

FKJ v RVT, QGN & CBN [2022] EWHC 411 (QB) & (subsequently) FKJ v RVT [2023] EWHC 3 (KB) Private messages in a Work Setting – Misuse of Private Information – Abuse of Process & Strike Out – References to the terms of a Pt 36 offer at an interlocutory hearing. By Matthew Pascall, Legal […]

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Meet the ‘Matthews’: a video introduction to the two new directors at Temple Legal Protection

At the end of last year Matthew Pascall and Matthew Best joined to the Temple board of directors. In this 5-minute video they share their views on their new roles including the priorities and challenges they face.  Their skills are complimentary. Before taking on their new roles Matthew Pascall had been a barrister for […]

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