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Dispute Resolution for the ‘20s

Dispute Resolution for the ‘20s By Terry Renouf, Renouf Mediation (Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 56 seconds) The turn of the year, commencement of a new decade coupled with the early days of a new Government with a 5 year mandate is an opportune time to consider civil justice and dispute resolution in 2020 and […]

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Small Claims Limit Increase – A prejudice for vulnerable road users?

Medical Reports and the Small Claims Limit Increase – A prejudice for vulnerable road users? (Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 42 seconds) By Matthew Best, Senior Underwriting Manager Seeking to reduce the number of fraudulent negligence claims is understandable, but funding medical reports for vulnerable genuine victims of negligence can be a big issue. What […]

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A new year, a new decade. How will the costs landscape unfold in 2020?

How will the costs landscape unfold in 2020 By Colin Campbell, Consultant at Kain Knight Costs Lawyers, Deputy Costs Judge (Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 36 seconds) What can those who practise in costs or who provide ATE insurance cover, look forward to in 2020, or is there anything about which they should be wary […]

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Professional Negligence Lawyers Association

Report from the PNLA conference 28th November 2019 (Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 31 seconds) Temple were pleased once again to be a sponsor of this successful annual event. The focus of this year’s conference was the changing fortunes of those involved in the professional negligence arena, entitled ‘Wheel of Fortune’. The speakers were of the highest […]

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Litigation Insurance – “Because it’s worth it”

(Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 59 seconds) In June this year we held, in conjunction with Legal Futures a roundtable event which was attended by a group of highly experienced litigation lawyers. At that meeting they expressed some of the concerns their clients had with taking out ATE/litigation insurance. One common theme expressed was the […]

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How to choose a litigation insurance provider – 7 things that matter

(Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 24 seconds) By David Chase, Deputy Underwriting Manager We believe that finding the right partner at the right time enables you and your client to share risk effectively. But how do you find the right litigation insurance provider? We suggest you take your time to build a relationship with your […]

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APIL 2019 annual Clinical Negligence conference review

(Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 22 seconds) This year’s conference was as well attended as ever, a fact reflected in the very busy two days we had on the Temple Legal Protection stand. Delegates commented to us they found the speakers extremely knowledgeable on their subject matter and struck a good balance between informative and […]

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Whiteboard with text written on including the words mediation, dispute and negotiation

ADR and Mediation for the new Decade

(Estimated reading time: 2 minute, 55 seconds) By Terry Renouf of Renouf Mediation. Alternative Dispute Resolution has throughout 2019 continued to develop with further changes anticipated in 2020. The CEDR Mediation Audit of 2018 reported 10% growth of civil mediations per annum with mediation “schemes” growing at twice that rate. The NHS Resolution Mediation scheme […]

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Double success for Cauda Equina Syndrome cases

(Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 50 seconds) A complex Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES) clinical negligence case – with ATE insurance and disbursement funding from Temple – has been successfully concluded after a major 3-week trial. These are not easy victories to achieve, so we are delighted for the insured client and their legal team which […]

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