Commercial Legal Expenses Insurance
Commercial legal expenses insurance is a critical component of any company’s insurance portfolio. Temple Legal Protection combines expert underwriting with reliable service and tailored solutions, ensuring we effectively address your clients’ needs.
Legal Issues
The scope of coverage provided by our Commercial Legal Expenses insurance is among the most comprehensive in the industry, offering protection against legal costs, including:
- Pursuing or defending your legal rights in disputes over the purchase, hire, sale or provision of goods or services
- Physical damage to the property
- Nuisance or trespass
- Recovering possession of premises from an employee or ex-employee
- Pursuit of a personal injury or clinical negligence claim on behalf of an insured person or their family members
- HMRC tax enquiries into aspects of your tax returns
- Employers’ Compliance or VAT disputes with HMRC
- Employment contract disputes
- Breach of employment legislation
- Pay awards or of compensation and settlements
- Lost wages or salary following absence from work
- Defence for various criminal and civil proceedings
How it works
Our stand-alone Commercial Legal Expenses insurance product is
designed to be straight-forward to use, operating on a self-quote,
self-issue basis, you issue wordings and schedules for each client.
– Premiums are payable to us on a monthly basis
– Full support is also given for non-standard and stand-alone risks by telephone and online