With all our good wishes he has taken up an opportunity to work abroad. He will no longer be in and out of our client law firm’s offices every week meeting with a broad cross-section of litigators and other experts.
Those who have met Richard know of his in-depth knowledge of legal expenses insurance, his abilities in building new law firm relationships as well as helping to develop our portfolio of services.
We wish Richard every success in his new venture. Some one of his experience is not easy to replace, but members of our Underwriting teams will be picking up where Richard left off by stepping up their own visits to our customers. You will be familiar with many of them from their presence at industry conferences and seminars as well as conducting external audit/review visits to partner law firms.
We know that you value quality face-to-face meeting time. If you would like us to visit your offices so we can get an understanding of your legal expenses insurance and funding requirements and how we can develop new business opportunities for you, please get in touch as follows –
- For Commercial litigation insurance and funding – please contact Matthew Pascall, Senior Underwriting Manager, on 01483 514428 or via email to matthew.pascall@temple-legal.co.uk
- For Clinical Negligence and Personal Injury litigation insurance and funding – please contact Matthew Best, Underwriting Manager, on 01483 514804 or via email to matthew.best@temple-legal.co.uk
- For Employment Disputes or you are a broker interested in legal expenses insurance – please contact Sean Fayle, Senior Underwriting Manager on either 07587 926941 or 01483 577877. Alternatively, via email to Sean.Fayle@temple-legal.co.uk